Thursday, March 25, 2010

Affirmations for Life

I am safe and secure at all times.
I am divinely protected and guided and my way is made smooth and easy.
I love my feet. They show me the way.
I love my legs. They give me support.
I am open to expanding my awareness of life.
I am willing to release all my old patterns of fear and insecurity to live with joy and well-being now.
I know that I belong. I know that I am safe.
People now support me in an easy and pleasurable way.
It is safe for me to enjoy my life now.
I am willing to be my own good mother and look after myself properly at all times.
I am responsible for the quality of my life.
I am open to new ideas, new thoughts, and new people in my life.
I am willing to consider the possibility that there are new approaches to enjoying
life which will enhance my sense of being alive and give me pleasure.
Life is good.
I trust life supports me in fulfilling my purpose.
I have a right to be me, just exactly as I am.
I have a right to express myself and manifest my dreams.
I can have pleasure.
I trust in the process of my life to unfold for my highest good and greatest joy.
I love my life just exactly the way it is. I am free to make whatever changes are necessary for my future.
I can risk doing what I feel is right.
I am a life enhancer.
I am creating a healthy foundation on which creativity can flourish.
I unconditionally love and approve of myself at all times.
I trust in my own perfection.
I am good enough to have what I want.
I release my negative attitudes which block my experience of pleasure.
It is safe to have life easy and pleasurable.
I allow pleasure, sweetness, and sensuality into my life.
I allow abundance and prosperity into my life.
I am in control of my own sexuality.
I give myself permission to enjoy my sexuality fully.
I trust the Infinite Intelligence to give me everything I need for my growth
and development.
I am enough. What I do is enough. What I have is enough. Who I am and
what I do is enough.
I open myself to the beauty, joy, and harmony of the Universe and I enjoy it.
I trust the process of life.
I love myself exactly as I am right now.
I deeply love and approve of who I am.
I am worthy of my own-self-love.
I love and respect myself at all times.
I trust in love.
I trust my worthiness.
I am worth my weight in gold.
There are no failures. I learn from everything I do.
I believe that everything is for my highest good and greatest joy.
I love life.
I listen to and trust my deepest insights.
I am worthy of the very best in life.
I release judgment and let my life flow.
I deeply and truly love and approve of myself.
I am adequate at all times to do that which is required of me.
I love who I am.
I am willing to love everything about myself.
I trust in love.
I open my heart to love.
I forgive myself
I forgive those who need forgiving for not being what I wanted them to be.
I acknowledge my own loveliness.
I am pure, good, and innocent.
Love is the purpose of my life.
Love is everywhere.
I open myself to the healing powers of love.
I follow the path of the heart.
I am confident that the healing power of God's love will heal my mind,heart, and body
I am able to harness my will power to control addictive influences in my life.
I am ready to put my negative habits to one side and openly develop my
I substitute love, joy, and creative expression for old patterns of addiction
and abuse.
I willingly give up (smoking, alcohol abuse, dope, overeating and unhealthy
dieting) to enhance my own creative gifts.
Love opens the door for me to feel whole and complete.
Everything I do is an expression of love.
It is now safe for me to express my feelings.
I love and trust my creative gifts.
It is now right for me to express the best of who I am now.
I release the fear and doubts which block the way to my creative expression.
I am confident in the healing power of love to open my throat for greater
I think positive thoughts about myself and everything around me.
I open myself to my intuition and deepest knowing.
I acknowledge I am the source in creating my life the way I would like it
to be.
I accept that I am an unlimited being and that I can create anything I want.
I focus on what I love and draw it to me.
I release all the impediments which block my growth and development.
I am open to new ideas, people, and situations which will enhance my joy
and happiness.
I live in the truth of my grace, beauty, and intelligence.
I am responsible for the quality of love and happiness in my life.
I rethink all negative thoughts about myself and others and change them to
positive energy.
I create clarity and unlimited vision for myself about my life.
I trust whatever comes to me is for my greatest joy and highest good.
I am open and receptive to all life.
Love is eternal.
Love makes me free.
I am willing to go beyond my limitations to express and experience greater joy.
I am always willing to take the next step in my life.
I am divinely protected and guided.
I am safe and all life loves and supports me now.
Love surrounds me, protects and nourishes me.
I go beyond limiting beliefs and accept myself totally.
I acknowledge that the source of love is within me.
I am willing to be responsible for the quality of love and joy I have in my life.
The more love I give the more there is to receive.
I am open to the goodness and abundance of the Universe.

- The Book of Chakras, Ambika Wauters

Monday, March 22, 2010

Oneness is Abundance

I think that the human individual awakes to meaning in many ways, but, essentially we awake to meaning when we find relationships that we can dedicate our own freedoms to, and I think one of the things that makes this hard for us to be able to do so is the fact that we live in an economic system that makes competition a necessity; that our currency system says, "in order for this currency to be valuable, it has to be scarce." So scarcity is part of our economic world view, means that people are forced to compete and produces self interest. We don't wake up in a world of abundance.

Oneness is abundance. It has no limits, in the sense it is such a powerful motivation for community life, if it's seen as we're working for one goal mutually, to reinforce each persons value in it. 

But all that is compromised by our currency system. It's not designed for everyone to have; and it's designed, for someone who can work out a better plan, to be more efficient at eliminating others from the game - to be a monopoly, and to actually have a greater control over the resources.

How many people live in a world where their word no longer matters because they don't have money? They can't participate, whether it's in a democracy, or, they can't participate, whether it's in any other form of economic process, because they lack the basic means of participation.

Now, the thing is that a small portion of the world claim the rights to what the majority of the world produces every day, because of some, you know, what we call now "intellectual property", ownership of history. Because for me, white people owned my ancestors, and they produced some things that are still benefiting a group of people exclusively while the descendants of that group have nothing.

Now i'm not saying we're required to have economic compensation. I think we're required to have the right to produce, that's all i'm saying. We have the right to produce - everyone should be given the right to produce.

We should not be consistently limited by an economic system that has made slavery worse in the 21st century than it was in the 17th century. Because people expect to participate and count; people expect to experience a world of oneness and count. Because every system tells them they're free, and that is not true.

But, you know, it's either that the system decides to redistribute it's wealth in an equitable way by building and investing in human development; because i think this is the most appropriate process for our current world economics - human development.

We're a disposable culture and as a result of that we are challenged to get resources to where it needs to go - real healthy social, cultural, and human development.

The economic process is meeting a certain threshold now, in that, people are awakened to the fact that they can create other alternative agreements to our current monetary system, and, if these agreements are made, I think the system itself could collapse, because it doesn't have the participation of probably, well, a lot of people. A large percentage of the world could decide to do something different out of a collective inspiration. We can't underestimate the human potential when it comes to this power of awakening.

What allows a group of people at one point to say, "enough!", and create a revolution? We're not thinking of revolution any more as violence, we're thinking revolution as the power of agreement. That a group of people could one day say, "this is what we prefer to have", and they create that."

-Orland Bishop