Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Love is the beacon for alignment, an activation to a greater gestalt.

The individual is always empowered to choose freedom and love by recognizing their inner grandeur. Stop evaluating, stop judging, stop defining and begin to recognize the music of all that is that resonates within. As the individual begins to sing along to that music you shall recognize loving symphony of life. Then, all becomes possible, as you perceptions continue to broaden, and you begin to witness as your rubrics of understanding begin to expand; in this space of resonance it becomes revealed that Source is so far greater than you ever perceived, then you could ever imagine.

Make me a channel of your peace:
Where there is hatred, let me bring your love,
Where there is injury, your pardon, Lord,
And where there's doubt true faith in you.
Make me a channel of your peace:
Where there's despair in life, let me bring hope,
Where there is darkness, only light,
And where there's sadness, ever joy.
O Master, grant that I may never seek
So much to be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand,
To be loved, as to love with all my soul!
Make me a channel of your peace:
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
In giving of ourselves that we receive,
And in dying that we are born to eternal life.

If you're feeling frightened about what comes next, don't be. Embrace the uncertainty and allow it to lead you places. Be brave as it challenges you to exercise both your heart and mind as you create your own path towards happiness. Don't waste time with regret, and spin wildly into your next action. Enjoy the present, because you'll never get another one quite like it. But if you should ever look up and find yourself lost, simply take a breath and start over. Retrace your steps, and go back to the purest place in your heart - where your hope lives....

Energy is either allowed to languish separately in dominion or converted toward an eternal benevolent collective expression.

God looks at the world through the eyes of love. If we, therefore, as human beings made in the image of God also want to see reality rationally, that is, as it truly is, then we, too, must learn to look at what we see with love....

The secret is that true love is an unconditionally flowing current within creation, it cannot be collected, owned or contained. The spiritualist masters expanding themselves to encompass more of it so that more can flow through them on its way to engaging the rest of creation.

As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world -- that is the myth of the atomic age -- as in being able to remake ourselves.

Friend do it this way – that is,

whatever you do in life,
do the very best you can
with both your heart and mind.

And if you do it that way,
the Power Of The Universe
will come to your assistance,
if your heart and mind are in Unity.

When one sits in the Hoop Of The People,
one must be responsible because
All of Creation is related.
And the hurt of one is the hurt of all.
And the honor of one is the honor of all.
And whatever we do effects everything in the universe.

If you do it that way – that is,
if you truly join your heart and mind
as One – whatever you ask for,
that’s the Way It’s Going To Be.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Can Teaching Be A Subversive Act?

a followup to an excert from Neil Postman's book in the Facebook group Subversive Orthodoxy

"Though I have not been around for the last 40 years to accurately gage the level to which these statements are as valid as they were when they were written, my answer is yes. From my limited experience participated in education (either as student or teacher) on four continents I believe that there is still some serious gaps in positive approaches to education (especially on the primary level). Science is often dry and immutable; history is a concrete progression of chronological events; math is taught as if numbers constitute a universe in itself rather than an aspect of our (or perhaps related but parallel) universe(s); literature is a message from the author to be deciphered; and standardized testing is the measure of intelligence. The dynamism of the human mind and our physical and social world is often simplified to the point of monochromic monotony."
  • Children can see through the attempts of adults to censor and simplify the world. From the very beginning of the educational experience the observant student sees the teacher (who is often still presented as the giver of knowledge rather than the facilitator of the learning experience) as withholding information. Thus the student may be easily disenfranchised from education (30% of Americans do no graduate high school). Worse yet students are taught to be spoon fed knowledge instead of finding it for themselves.

    It is accepted in most educational circles that different people learn in different ways, though steps to incorporate this into the educational system in many places have not been sufficient. The teacher may try different activities in class to help different learning styles but is that enough? Though not a perfect system I think that the Montessori system is the only method that has taken student cantered learning to sufficient levels.

    Overall the main point that I think Postman is getting to is that the stagnation within education can be addressed by drawing from sources not necessarily considered “educational.” I think this has been attempted and experimented with albeit not on a great scale. Students thrive when they are interested and have input or involvement in their education; when given the devices to reach those goals without having those goals handed to them they feel accomplished and seek more education. With gentle facilitation a teacher can provide tools for students to follow their interests and dreams incorporating the knowledge, experience, and most importantly decision making skills that will serve them in life.

    2) I think the analogous nature to Christianity is clear. Just as different people have different ways of learning, so people have different ways of experiencing religion. Some like it spoon-fed to them once every week and then they don't have to deal with it for the rest of the week. Those people may be sincere Christians but they've learnt that the most important part of being a Christian is getting your "blessing" from the minister/priest every week.

    Within many Christian churches I think the problem of a lack of religious dynamism is still prevalent. The ones that are flourishing (at least in membership numbers) are the charismatic churches that have more growth than any other churches (see Alistair McGrath's The Future of Christianity). While some have accused charismatic churches of a rather high member turnaround rate, the fact that they draw in huge amounts of people must say something about what many people want from their religious experience. They want to be involved in a very real and personal way. They want drums and excitement and the moving of the Spirit.

    Regardless of the manner in which the involvement occurs (different people prefer different kinds of religious interaction) people want to be involved in something relevant, dynamic, meaning, and real. Sadly this is something that much education and Christian churches have failed to do.

    A further problem in the past that continues in many sectors of Christianity that I have grown up in is the “in the world but not of the world” complex. Though not everyone takes it like this I’ve known countless people that insist on keeping away from the “evil world” and in doing so lose touch with the rest of the human race. These people have hardly added to the dynamism of Christianity.

    The danger is of course that opening up to the world might mean the taking on of “worldly” characteristics. Trends of upbeat musical services is evidence to some of the that infiltration into the church. Many don’t want to see the kinds of popularisation of Christianity that took place during the early centuries of Christianity to incorporate various pagan elements into a Christian framework. Was it a bad thing that Christianity was diluted by these other religious sources resulting in greater waves of converts? I don’t know if I’m qualified to answer that.

    3) My vision for the future of Christianity (Adventism in particular) is one where people are able to more easily pursue their religious experience without the fetters of stifling clichés, stagnating dogma, and blind unthinking faith. I think the drawing on sources from outside the church family should be a possible way of enriching people’s experience. Ministers should work more to be facilitators of the Christian experience rather than its imparter.

    I can’t envision how others should experience Christianity only how I do. My only hope is that tolerance of different ways of experiencing common faith will grow and allow more discussions of faith that will create dynamic and real religious experiences that can change the world. That, after all, was the whole point of Jesus mission. To shake things up, to subvert the stagnant complacency of the religious establishment of his time.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

infinite communion 2

My soul, where are you? Do you hear me? I speak. I call you–are you there? I have returned. I am here again. I have shaken the dust of all the lands from my feet, and I have come to you again.

‎your life is your life
don’t let it be clubbed into dank submission.
on the watch.
there are ways out.
there is a light somewhere.
...it may not be
much light but
it beats the darkness.
be on the watch.
the gods will
offer you chances.
know them.
take them.
you can’t beat death but
you can beat death in life, sometimes.
and the more often you learn to
do it,
the more light there will be.
your life is your life.
know it
while you have it.
you are marvelous
the gods wait to delight

Energy is bountiful, unclench your heart to let yourself feel & others to be moved.

‎Look up! Look up! The clouds are lifting - the sun is breaking through. We are
coming out of the darkness into the light. We are coming into a new world. A
kind new world where men will rise above their hate and brutality.

soul of man has been given wings - and at last he
is beginning to fly. He is flying into the rainbow - into the light of hope -
into the future, that glorious future that belongs to you, to me and to all of
us. Look up. Look up.

If we see a God outside of ourselves, he tears us loose from the self, since the God is more powerful than we are. Our self falls into privation. But if the God moves into the self, he snatches us from what is outside us. We arrive at singleness in ourselves.

Transcendent individuals realize that they can access the light of life, the
light of eternity only by aligning into complete oneness. This process involves
connecting all the disparate episodes of one's life & formulating a singular
theme of progressing towards an actualizing True Love.

Father time humbles arrogance, sister virtue slays folly, while mother nature cures indifference.

What is it, in the end, that induces a man to go his own way
and to rise out of unconscious identity with the mass as out of a swathing mist?

It is what is commonly called vocation: an irrational factor that
destines a man to emancipate himself from the herd and from its well-worn paths.
Anyone with a vocation hears the voice of the inner man: he is

The discovery of the value of human personality is reserved for a riper age.

For young people the search for personality values is very often a pretext for evading their biological duty.

Conversely, the exaggerated longing of an older person for the sexual values of youth is a short-sighted and often cowardly evasion of a duty which demands recognition of the value of personality and submission to the hierarchy of cultural values.

The young neurotic shrinks back in terror from the expansion of life’s duties, the old one from the dwindling of the treasures he has attained.

To find out what is truly individual in ourselves, profound
reflection is needed; and suddenly we realize how uncommonly difficult the
discovery of individuality in fact is.

You mustn't play a role, you must remain authentically you, radiating your song within the key of the intimate solutions becoming.

You cannot individuate on