The light has come. You are healed and you can heal. The light has come. You are saved and you can save. You are at peace, and you bring peace with you wherever you go. Darkness and turmoil and death have disappeared. The light has come.
Today we celebrate the happy ending to your long dream of disaster. There are no dark dreams now. The light has come. Today the time of light begins for you and everyone. It is a new era, in which a new world is born. The old one has left no trace upon it in its passing. Today we see a different world, because the light has come.
Today we offer thanks for the passing of the old and the beginning of the new. No shadows from the past remain to darken our sight and hide the world forgiveness offers us. Today we will accept the new world as what we want to see. We will be given what we desire. We will to see the light; the light has come.
Today we will be devoted to looking at the world that our forgiveness shows us. This is what we want to see, and only this. Our single purpose makes our goal inevitable. Today the real world rises before us in gladness, to be seen at last. Sight is given us, now that the light has come.
We do not want to see the ego’s shadow on the world today. We see the light, and in it we see Heaven’s reflection lie across the world.
I have forgiven the world.
From this time forth you will see differently. Today the light has come. And you will see the world that has been promised you since time began, and in which is the end of time ensured.
Remind yourself every quarter of an hour or so that today is a time for special celebration. Rejoice in the power of forgiveness to heal your sight completely. Be confident that on this day there is a new beginning. Without the darkness of the past upon your eyes, you cannot fail to see today. And what you see will be so welcome that you will gladly extend today forever.
Every moment of every day we have choice whether we are conscious of it or not. This becomes a powerful understanding when we start to realize our choices create our reality. What we experience today is based upon infinite decisions that led up to this moment. We make up our world as we go along according to our beliefs, assumptions, thoughts, words, deeds and actions. What we think is what we become. Yet, most people are unaware of this process. The truly amazing aspect of this realization — we can change our thoughts and feelings and therefore, our reality. Each day we follow our routines rarely thinking about the consequences and usually unaware that every decision or non-decision has an impact upon our life and the world around us. Every thought, word, deed and action is placed in motion by us personally. We are responsible for what we think and do and what we experience as a result. Without paying attention to our inner world we are destined to perpetuate our fears, doubts, angers, shame and judgments. This leads to frustration, stress, problems and frequently disease. The cycle returns to us again and again. When we think and feel lack, for example, we experience the same. Likewise, when we think and feel prosperous, we create more abundance in our lives. The power of our attention determines what we will experience. We have the potential every moment to change our perspective and in doing so, transform our reality. We can become conscious of our focus and attention and bring our thoughts and feelings in alignment to our heart’s desires. We are already creating our life whether we are aware of it or not, so why not choose the life your heart dances to?....
People will do anything, no matter how absurd, to avoid facing their own soul....
The blameless cannot blame, and those who have accepted their innocence see nothing to forgive. Yet forgiveness is the means by which I will recognize my innocence.
How safe the world will look to me when I can see it! It will not look anything like what I imagine I see now. Everyone and everything I see will lean toward me to bless me. I will recognize in everyone my dearest Friend. What could there be to fear in a world that I have forgiven, and that has forgiven me?
To search; you must commit your heart,
To find; you must free your soul,
To be; you must embrace your becoming
The secret of the Ego is in inverting it. Slowly, it grows into a force of communion with the lingering light of innocence within all.
Your ability to receive is equally important to your ability to give. Have you ever brought a special gift, working hard just to get it, only to be refused by the person you were giving it to? That didn't feel right, did it? Our relationships are greatly enhanced when we become not only generous givers, but generous receivers as well. When we know how to accept gladly, wholeheartedly, embracing the gift as an extension of the giver. It takes both giving and receiving for care and generosity to flow unimpeded.
Remember, if each day does not find you a better person than you were the day before, you are going backward — in health, in mental peace, and in soul joy. Why? Because you don’t exercise enough control over your actions. You yourself made your habits, and you can change them. If you have been thinking wrongly, make up your mind to be with good company and to study and meditate. A change of company can make a great difference to you. When you enter a spiritual environment, even for a few hours, your mentality changes; you feel a refreshing peace. When you go to a dance or a party, your mind is often restless, nervous, and excited. Later, if you go into a better atmosphere, one of calmness, you feel different again. The greatest influence in your life, stronger even than your willpower, is your environment. Change that, if necessary. Until you are mentally strong, you can never be what you want to be without a good environment to help you. When you are having difficulty in trying to change for the better, spiritual company and good environment are essential....
I am not the victim of the world I see. How can I be the victim of a world that can be completely undone if I so choose? My chains are loosened. I can drop them off merely by desiring to do so. The prison door is open. I can leave simply by walking out. Nothing holds me in this world. Only my wish to stay keeps me a prisoner. I would give up my insane wishes and walk into the sunlight at last.
I have invented the world I see. I made up the prison in which I see myself. All I need do is recognize this and I am free. I have deluded myself into believing it is possible to imprison the Son of God. I was bitterly mistaken in this belief, which I no longer want. The Son of God must be forever free. He is as God created him, and not what I would make of him. He is where God would have him be, and not where I thought to hold him prisoner.
There is another way of looking at the world. Since the purpose of the world is not the one I ascribed to it, there must be another way of looking at it. I see everything upside down, and my thoughts are the opposite of truth. I see the world as a prison for God’s Son. It must be, then, that the world is really a place where he can be set free. I would look upon the world as it is, and see it as a place where the Son of God finds his freedom.
When I see the world as a place of freedom, I realize that it reflects the laws of Love instead of the rules I made up for it to obey. I will understand that peace, not war, abides in it. And I will perceive that peace also abides in the hearts of all who share this place with me.
As I share the peace of the world with my brothers, I begin to understand that this peace comes from deep within myself. The world I look upon has taken on the light of my forgiveness, and shines forgiveness back at me. In this light I begin to see what my illusions about myself kept hidden. I begin to understand the holiness of all living things, including myself, and their oneness with me.
Everyone on earth in some way feels like an alien here....because we ARE! We come from another world, a home beyond this one that is always calling us to return. We get home not by leaving this earth but by changing our mind about its purpose: knowing that we ARE love, and we are here to love. That recognition is enlightenement.
All you really have to do to change your thought about something is to Think Twice. When you're facing enormous change, and the fear that quite normally can be attached to it, many people will say to you, "Don't give it a second thought." I'm telling you exactly the opposite.
Sometimes oneness, or unity consciousness, is then presented as a mere mental concept as if it were something we only had to realize in our mind to see manifested. Some teachers are arguing that since we are entangled in a quantum mechanical sense we are all one. I feel such statements are so trivial that they are meaningless to make. Of course, we are all one in the sense that all humans are the products of the same reality and totally interconnected in this. Yet, a mere mental realization of a concept or a spiritual insight is not enough for us to actually experience oneness and anchor it in reality. Unity consciousness is something we need to craft and work with to see manifested... The point to realize is that oneness is not an attribute of ourselves as individuals, but of our relationships to others and the divine